In this volume 3.2. "Planning and Programming for a Training Process" , we aim to provide the coach with the objectives to be developed for each of the Sessions:
- Every Micro-cycle.
- Corresponding to each meso-cycle.
- Related to the different Macro-cycles.
- Of each Season/Cycle of the Formative Process.
- And for each of the areas that make up the training of the young footballer. So that it allows you to design the team leader, the different training tasks.
If we consider the "function" of this book relevant, it is because it conveys the need for a training process, whatever type of learning it pursues, to be based on logical and coherent planning, which allows each group manager to have references that order the priorities of the work to be performed in each group/team, so that the evolution that the player needs in their training process is obtained.
The contents of the book are aimed especially at Technical Directors (for obvious reasons), but also the coaches, as it will allow them to have information, not only of what specifically affects their team, but also of everything that the player should have experienced in the previous stages, as well as what he must experience in the rest of the process.
The specific planning of the areas of: "Porters" and "Psychological Training", have been developed by teachers:
- Alfredo Rodríguez Ríos
- Oscar Rojals Raventós